According to Game Manual, DMI is the overall player index, has at least two aspects in its definiton. First it "gives a very rough indication of how good your player is." And second "This is a good way to check that your player is getting training".
My observation, based on last 2 seasons games, puts down to the fact that the team superior in total DMI (particularly for the lineup) has great advantage to win the game, unless using adventurous tactics. Since DMI changes every week in a close relation with the form level of player, it basically shows how good and to what extent might be every single players performance througout the current week. Therefore I believe DMI totals are very important indicators for the upcoming match.
And pertinent to second aspect, I don't have any proof or observation that higher DMI means higher skill pops and training effectiveness. Is there any manager that can claim that higher DMI, and higher form levels in other words, increases the training speed? Please note that same Game Manual says verbatim "Game Shape is an indication of how sharp the player looked in practice and therefore how well he will be expected to play in a game; it is not an indicator of how effective his training sessions were". And in this context, how do you perceive the second aspect of DMI definition?
Thanks in advance for your valuable contributions.
Last edited by Sir Fifty at 6/24/2020 6:28:18 PM