Once you hit the cap players will still get training, however it slows significantly. Because all-star potential is quite low, the player will reach the cap when he's still young, so the natural speed from young age will offset part of that speed drop (i.e. you will still see pops regularly, but less often). It's not the same situation of a 28 or 29yo player whose training speed goes almost to zero once he reaches the cap.
In any case people have pointed out Perennial All-Star players well into MVP cap territory in the past (so a player with a maximum of 7.99 potential had the skills of a 9+ potential player) and my first trainee was well above the HoF treshold despite being only MVP potential (this is more reasonable since his potential might have been close to 10 to begin with).
Last edited by Lemonshine at 7/22/2020 6:24:56 PM