First of all, I wouldn't really base your matchup ratings on what you had going into a quarter. BB GE will give your team a boost in random quarters and take it away in others. So the end of the game results are really what matter.
Secondly ratings don't correlate to game stats, they correlate to player stats. For example:
(110766846)Worse ratings, we tied in RB, I shot better from the field, better A/TO, better blocks, same steals, he just had more FT's. And this isn't an abnormality for Lethargy, he does this nearly every night with lower salary guys.
You can get over the lack of ratings by picking an offense that works better for your team (Or building your team around an offense) and then running that. I would analyze the game ratings as a way to predict the stats your opponent has. The real strength of a team is taking those stats and using them in the right places with the right tactics. Lethargy found his niche in the game engine and so have other teams.
2x NBBA Champion: S55, S56. 3x USA Cup Champion: S54, S55, S56. WR for longest home streak ever at 11 in Season 47.