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Bug with transfer and economy update

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From: kakki22
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Date: 2/22/2021 7:08:07 PM
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yesterday evening I bought a coach but the transfer update arrived only this morning after the economy update. So I wrongly paid the old coach also for this week. Anybody can help me??? Thank you in advance.

From: hene10

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308139.2 in reply to 308139.1
Date: 2/23/2021 3:19:25 PM
Aittakorven Torjunta & Heitto
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Moltas Matsson Academy
I had the same problem week earlier when selling a player. The deadline for transfer was about 22.20 finnish time, and the evonomy update more than 2 hours later, but when the bidding time ended time just turned red but player still was in my roster. He moved after economy update so I paid his salary, that I should not pay.

This Post:
308139.3 in reply to 308139.1
Date: 3/10/2021 6:51:20 AM
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The economy updates rarely run at their scheduled times. We only fix the salaries of transfers if they are more than one day late, since that indicates a more serious bug. Please try not to buy or sell players and staff so close to the scheduled economy update as it might happen again.

Last edited by BB-Marin at 3/10/2021 6:51:56 AM

This Post:
308139.4 in reply to 308139.3
Date: 3/17/2021 1:57:08 PM
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I have a question.

Is it old bug that no one is talking about or its just mechanics and rules?

I have noticed that in Relegation, if there is 3 games the team who ended season in 5th position will pay his players sallary and the player who was 7th wont pay his players sallarys that week when playing third game... This makes no sense specialy in top leagues . where one player pays 950k salaries and other can save more then 1kk ....

I would like to hear why 7 placed team dont pay sallries when all other teams must pay sallary at the same third games week when they have a game?

This Post:
308139.6 in reply to 308139.5
Date: 3/18/2021 8:34:23 AM
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Yup. thats why i instantly came to forums :D this is happening like 10 seasons minimum and no one is talking about it.

From: Dacian
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308139.8 in reply to 308139.7
Date: 3/18/2021 9:56:35 AM
Danube Delta
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Danube Delta Intl.
We are all equal... Or not?!

From: The Rok

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308139.9 in reply to 308139.8
Date: 3/19/2021 6:07:58 AM
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seems like not :D 7th place has more rights :P