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Playoffs Bonus

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Date: 5/4/2021 3:53:54 AM
Veyrier Wailers
Nationalliga A
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Second Team:
Zion Ocelots
This season I will probably qualify for the playoffs and was looking at the economical side of it.

correct me if I'm wrong, but the first round is on Tuesday, so the team that lose the game will pay full salary but only get half of the arena income for that week.
It doesn't looks fair to me as the playdowns teams will have two games.
I think a bonus for qualifying to the playoffs woul'd be encouraging competitiveness.

What do y'all think ?

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309253.3 in reply to 309253.2
Date: 5/4/2021 5:13:19 AM
Boudougar Basket Club
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We don't really want a too big recursive loop of "being the best team => getting more money => staying the best team => getting more money => etc...".
I see your point, but I have already manage to lose my last two games of the regular season (S50 if I am not mistaken) to go from 4 to 5 because :
- I knew I had no shoot against the number 1 team who end up winning the title,
- I knew I will easily win againt the number 7 of the other conference,
- And I knew I will gain more money doing that.

I am pretty sure that if I have already done that others had too.

So I agree with Locks04, you should win at least a little more amount when you finish 4 instead of 5.

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309253.5 in reply to 309253.4
Date: 5/4/2021 10:37:20 AM
Boudougar Basket Club
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And you do, it's just not directly visible as you accrued the profit over the season and the next one.
Maybe not in every case because 4th vs 5th the difference is very small sometimes. In my case I lost on purpose the last two games (only one at home). So I do not think that I lost a lot on this last home game. Even if I lost 50 000 (which is a lot) on this game, I play two playdowns games instead of one playoff game so at least 100 000 more for me. Overall I won 50 000 more by losing so in this case, I think losing is better than winning (and I am pretty sure my number is too low).

About the risks of play-downs I am pretty sure the tie-breaker goes for the 5th seed over the 7th seed.

What would be a fair prize money ? If the goal is to compensate that potentially missed half revenue PO game, in D2 for example, that would be something like $150.000. Do you give a prize money for reaching PO, so the same for #1 and #4 team, or do you give even more than $150k to #1 #2 #3 as they were better ranked and deserved higher prize money ? Which will be a lot of money.
Ok maybe there is no good solution but let me reverse the question.

Is it normal that a team with a better record win less profit due to less game played ?

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309253.7 in reply to 309253.6
Date: 5/4/2021 3:29:28 PM
Boudougar Basket Club
Overall Posts Rated:
Is it normal that a team with a better record win less profit due to less game played ?

This team with a better record has a chance to play 5 games. :P

The revenue lost are also happening the season after and through merchandising.

In the end, my main point is we shouldn't reward too much the teams finishing first or second compared to the ones finishing 5/6th or that would increase the gap for the next season. However, if you reward the #4, you do have to reward those that had a better finish. If someone think it's better for his team to finish 5th, he can try for it, I feel it's still better and, in a non totally realistic way, some strategy.
I understand but with more money and a better ranking for the draft the 5th seed is very tempting.