My merchandise income over this season has been between $46-$55k a week. I'm also in division 2 in England, 6 out of 12 players are English but only 1 is drafted by me. I have 2 U21 England players, one regular starter and one backup. I finished this season 17-5, 2nd in my conference, 3rd overall in my league.
I only have a level 2 PR with a specialty as I've never seen much use to have a higher level. The only infrastructures I have are Gym and Training court both level 3.
I wouldn't have ever imagined getting over 100k merchandise income a week in div 2 never mind 135-140k! I guess a fully self drafted team does help merchandise a lot. Would it be beneficial for me to keep my drafted players on the roster this season?
Just a guess: if your 5 losses are TV games or against your rival it matters, also if you don't have the 4 millions palace and the 15k merch facility (and in div II maybe most of managers have one), you are loosing something between 30-50k weekly income.
In Italy I'm in div III with the 4mln stadium, 15k merch facility, 15-7 record and get >80k/week despite having lost the first two TV and rival games, after winning the last TV and rival game it went up to 85k
In utopia DivIII 13-9 record, won the TV and rival games, no merch facility, I just bought the 4mln stadium, and the merch went up from 38k to 62k
in both teams I have level 2 PR , 3 good startup players home grown but not at the NT level, plus other old good players from above but not NT level