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BB Poland > BB Rep. to Polska

BB Rep. to Polska

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From: Mike
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Date: 5/15/2008 2:06:17 PM
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Witajcie. Nazywam się BB-Mike i jestem jednym z założycieli BB.
Mam nadzieję na współpracę z polskim forum, chciałbym występować w roli łącznika między
zarządem BB a Waszą społecznością. W tym celu stworzyłem ten temat jako punkt wyjściowy.
Niestety nie znam polskiego, więc będę pisał po angielsku. Wiem, że wielu ludzi w Polsce biegle włada angielskim.
Byłbym wdzięczny jeśli ci ludzie zechcieliby pomóc tłumacząc posty.

Jestem otwarty na rozmowy o każdym aspekcie gry, oraz odpowiedzi na poszczególne pytania.
Będę czytał ten temat regularnie. Chciałbym zadać 3 pytania:

1. Czy istnieją jakieś specyficzne kwestie charakterystyczne dla Polski o których powinienem wiedzieć?
Czy są jakieś błędy związane z położeniem kraju?
Czy jakaś część strony nie została przetłumaczona?
Jak tam Wasza drużyna narodowa?

2. Wierzymy, że im więcej ludzi grających w BB tym większa zabawa.
Czy ktoś ma pomysł jak powiększyć grono użytkowników BB w Polsce?
W ostatnim tygodniu, gracz z Litwy pomógł nam opracować baner związany z popularnym forum sportowym w tym kraju,
co zaowocowało tym, że 500 nowych użytkowników zapisało się do gry!

3. W niektórych krajach, doszły do nas zażalenia odnośnie banerów wyświetlanych na górze strony.
W większości krajów jest niezwykle trudno kontrolować to co jest wyświetlane tam. Jeśli ktoś zna firmy które pragną reklamować się na BB,
to zapłacimy prowizję dla każdego kto znajdzie takową firmę, czyli odpowiednią pomoc ażeby prezentować adekwatne banery.

Z niecierpliwością oczekuję na wiadomości od Was. Wierzę, że wspólnymi siłami wzmocnimy polską społeczność BB.
Zarówno polskie jak i angielskie posty są mile widziane.

Thank you to LA-Khazaad and miwman for the translation.
Hello. My name is BB-Mike, and I am one of BuzzerBeater's developers. I am hoping to become involved in the Polish forums, and to act as a liaison between the BB staff and the Polish community. I have created this sticky thread as a starting point. Unfortunately, I do not speak any Polish, so I will be posting in English. I know that many people in Poland speak English very well; I would appreciate it very much if these people could help out by translating posts back and forth.

I am happy to talk about any aspect of the game, and to answer questions. I intend to read this thread regularly. To start things off, I would like to ask three questions of my own:

1. Are there any issues specific to Poland that I should know about? Are there any bugs specific to the Polish localization? Is there any portion of the site that is not translated? How's the national team doing?

2. We believe that the game is more fun for everybody when there are more people involved. Does anyone have any ideas about ways that we could help BuzzerBeater grow in Poland? For example, just last week, one of our users helped us to set up a banner exchange program with a popular sports discussion board in Lithuania; as a result, more than 500 new users have already signed up!

3. In some countries, we have received complaints about the banner ads shown at the top of the site. These ads are provided by a banner ad network, and in most countries it is very difficult to control whether the ads that are shown are appropriate for our audience. If anybody knows of a company that wants to advertise on BuzzerBeater, we'll gladly pay you a commission for anybody you find that can help us serve better and more targeted banner ads.

I look forward to hearing from all of you. I hope that we will be able to work together to strengthen and grow the Polish community here on BuzzerBeater. And again, Polish and English posts are both welcome in this thread.

Last edited by Mike at 5/17/2008 9:58:53 PM

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From: Khazaad

To: Mike
This Post:
31229.5 in reply to 31229.1
Date: 5/15/2008 3:21:58 PM
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Hi Mike,
I've got some suggestions about Polish localisation:
1. Name 'Polish Cup' - if it is possible, change this to 'Puchar Polski'
2. Name of Polish first league - there is "Polska Polska Liga Koszykówki', and should be "Polska Liga Koszykówki". But I'll ask other people, if they maybe want to change it for exaple at "Extraliga" or "Superliga Koszyków". I'll let you know.
3. About word "Manager". When we talk about "Manager" of some team, it's OK. But "Manager" of NT isn't the best solution. I think that it should be other tag (let's say 'Coach'), so we can call him a 'Trener (Coach)' or 'Selekcjoner (Selector)'. I talked about this with LA-Przemek, and he agreeds with me.
4. There are 'Pool', at 'Round Robin Pools', but it can't be translated, because there is no such tag (or I just can't find it :)
5. For today, polish translation is done. But I check all tags one more time, to fix some errors and normalize localisation.

And one more - Welcome at Polish forums and welcome at our community!

From: miwman

This Post:
31229.6 in reply to 31229.5
Date: 5/15/2008 3:58:17 PM
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I totally agree with your propositions... stay tuned for more... and whenever I'm free I'll gladly help our LA's

From: miwman

This Post:
31229.7 in reply to 31229.4
Date: 5/15/2008 3:59:43 PM
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fajnie przynajmniej można porównać sobie :-)

From: Mike

This Post:
31229.8 in reply to 31229.5
Date: 5/15/2008 8:33:21 PM
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Thanks to both of you for the translations.

(1,2) Yes, we can change the names of the cup and the top league. We can probably rename this forum to "BB Polska" too. I'll wait a few days to see if there is any objection to these three name changes.
(3) The NT manager fills approximately the same role as the managers of league teams (selecting players, setting lineups, choosing tactics, etc.). I think the only thing that they don't do is execute training. That is why they share the same title, which in the English game, and many translations, is "manager". I see that this is currently being translated into Polish as "Właściciel", which Google tells me means "Owner". Is there a Polish term for the person that makes the business and personnel decisions for a professional sports team? In the U.S., these people are usually called the "General Manager", or the "Athletic Director". We should try to not use the title "coach" to apply to the human players of this game, because most of the coaching decisions (substituting player during a game, calling plays, etc.) are made by a computer agent.
(4) On what page does "Round Robin Pools" appear untranslated? The only instance that I can find is on ntstandings.aspx, where is has been nonliterally translated as "Runda kwalifikacyjna".

From: Khazaad

To: Mike
This Post:
31229.9 in reply to 31229.8
Date: 5/16/2008 1:55:50 AM
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(2) There are already some ideas how to change the league name. I think we should wait till Monday for finally decision. Than I'll let you know.
(3) In Poland, we can translate 'Manager' as "Menadżer" (it is the person, who usually makes the bigest decisions - like General Manager in your country). I'm not sure if NT Manager buy and sell players, changes tickets prices, execute traingin (like you said), choose picks from draft, choose Teams Personel etc. If he does, well, OK :)
I understand, that the name 'Manager' is OK for you. But maybe it is possible, to make 2 tags with this name - one for team Manager, one for NT Manager. In that case we can translate it in another way.
(4) Well, "Round Robin Pools" apears only once, and is translated. But below it are pools - Pool A, Pool B etc. I know that every single player knows, that there are just "Tabela A, Tabela B" etc. or "Grupa A, Grupa B", but it would be nice to translate it :)

I know, I know - I gripe :) But it is a great occasion to ask you for almost everything :)

From: LA-Przemek

To: Mike
This Post:
31229.10 in reply to 31229.1
Date: 5/16/2008 5:21:09 AM
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1. Names database it taken from Hattrick, right? It's a small problem - names of Polish players don't include diacritical marks. Is it possible to fix it?

From: Mike

This Post:
31229.11 in reply to 31229.10
Date: 5/16/2008 6:22:29 PM
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Yes, some of our names lists come from Hattrick, but not all. There are problems with many of our names lists. Unfortunately, the database is extremely labor intensive to fix by hand. We will not change the names of current players, but we do hope to develop a set of tools that will help us edit the names list (with the help of the LAs) so that all new players will have names appropriate to their countries of origin.

No diacritical marks at all is a very serious problem for the Polish names. I hope that it won't be too long before we can fix this.