as there are a few excellent Israeli coaches that have waited years for this opportunity, and I believe many here will feel like one of them deserves this chance
Well, I understand. Leading of NT is the biggest proud...but I think the welfare of the NT should be above personal ambitions. I'm here to maximalise potential of your great generation of Israeli players. You need to think what is the most important for your NT at this moment. Decision is yours.
With all respect to excellent (without doubts) Israeli coaches, they would need a time to learn NT, beacuse leading of NT is completely something different than leading own team e.g. behavior of enthusiasm (you need to know how enthusiasm increase after playing tie and decrease after playing normal, on particular levels it works differently), rotation of 12 great players (it's huge difference between rotation 5-7 players and 12 players; well-functioning rotation can make important advantage). You need to know NT players of your competitors. I don't know if you have database of skills top NT players. I follow transfer list regularly and I have my own database. So many small things matter on high level, which is NT.
I also appreciate experience with U-21, because it demands top, special training in short time, beat rivals etc....but U-21 in BB is something completely different than in real life. In real life U-21 players are almost ready or ready to play efficiently in senior basketball. In BB U-21 players have nothing common with senior players. They are I would say "dummy" players with a lot of weaknesses and need a lot seasons of trainings to reach NT or even (in some examples) they are so destroyed by U-21 training than bringing them to NT leves is very tough or almost impossible. That's why I don't like U-21 turnaments at all:P and love NTs...but it's not a point. The point is that in my opinion U-21 don't give experience how to use efficiently top players on the top level. I think that differences between NT teams are smaller and details matter more than in U-21.
So you need to ask yourself if you have enough time on experiments. Israel play with Spain in first game and you need top performance from the beginning.
My question to you is, should you be elected, and from your previous experience, what will be your philosophy regarding staying in contact with the community at large? You've mentioned Discord and BB-Mail, are those usually your main methods, or do you also post updates on the NT page and on the forums?
Generally, I live BB 24 hours per day. I was very close to Lithuanian community for all these seasons when I was a manager of Lithuania NT (as I wrote before: even closer than with Polish community in that time). I can say with no doubts I was part of this community. See Lithuanian forum and how emotionally people say goodbye to me (entries are in english:D). I think it says more than thousands words.
My activity in your daily BB lives depends on your requirements. As I see your NT thread from last season have only one entry:-) I think I should be in place when you are. As I heard the most activity in Israel is on Whatsapp. But if you wish, I will make entries before/after key games at least, summary after whole season etc. (I did it in Lithuania).
Would be also great to have somebody like "press secretary" in staff, who could write some basic informations about next rival, conduct interviews etc. Contents that would be interesting to read for community.