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Australia - II.4 > Season 58

Season 58

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From: Solesky
This Post:
Date: 7/27/2022 4:24:30 AM
Wuhan Wastrels
Overall Posts Rated:

First of all, wanted to say a quick Hi to everyone in the division. I see a few familiar names that I may have BB-mailed in the past few months regarding some potential U21 players.

At first glance it looks like our forum is just full of crickets, haven't had a new season thread since season 51! After being held captive in Div III full of bots last season I'm hoping for a change. So let's do something about it!

My goal is to get some discussions happening in this league, so whether you're tanking or going for gold lets try and join in some chit-chat and tongue-wagging to get some excitement back into this league.

I'll let everyone get settled in first before I'll start throwing some heat your way.

Cheers, and good luck all!

From: DBJ

This Post:
315337.2 in reply to 315337.1
Date: 7/27/2022 8:46:53 AM
DBJ Pears
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Jitty Sports
Hey Mate!

Nice to see a familiar face.

Think survival and a bit of training is the primary focus for the pears this year. Will
be getting on TIE nice and early to prep for the relegation finals.

This Post:
315337.3 in reply to 315337.1
Date: 7/27/2022 12:45:15 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Hello!! Welcome!

This Post:
315337.4 in reply to 315337.1
Date: 7/27/2022 4:59:01 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Hello, sounds like a plan.

I've been quiet last few seasons, but looking forward to resuming rivalries and forming some new ones.

Did anyone nail the draft?

This Post:
315337.5 in reply to 315337.4
Date: 7/27/2022 6:28:59 PM
Wuhan Wastrels
Overall Posts Rated:
I got pretty lucky for very last pick in the draft lol Xiong Qunhua (51086586)
58 TSP 19yo MVP.

Might sell him, not too sure yet

This Post:
315337.6 in reply to 315337.4
Date: 7/29/2022 12:03:38 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
I got lucky with 19 yr old HOF without. Imma try to add him to my trainees

This Post:
315337.7 in reply to 315337.6
Date: 8/6/2022 1:42:28 AM
Wuhan Wastrels
Overall Posts Rated:
Well I hope everyone has had a great first week of the season and has started to settle in. U21 selections are coming to a close with the enthusiasm reset in the next few days so congratulations to those who have managed to train their young players to an elite level and secured an U21 or NT spot

A couple of big matches are coming up tonight in each conference.

Big 8

Chocolate Thunder 2-0 vs Vietnam Dongs 2-0

These teams have a history in the playoffs of II.4 - Since season 56 they've met each other twice in the playoffs and are sitting at 1 a piece. Chocolate Thunder will be looking for redemption after their loss in the semi-finals to the Dongers last season.

Hard to predict, but I've got the season 57 runners up Vietnam Dongs taking out this one. Margin will be within 12 points

Great 8

Plushie monsters 2-0 vs Brisbane Bullets 1-1

Straight back from the big leagues, Brisbane Bullets have kept a couple of their big names coming into II.4. Will they be looking to head straight back up to the ABBL? time will tell. Bullets have arguably the best defence inside the arc, keeping their opponents to just over 30% from the field. Plushie monsters however have the highest rebounding in the league with an average of 55 per game.

Another hard one to predict, if both teams set their best lineup with equal enthusiasm and without knowing how the new exhaustion mechanic works I would tip the Brisbane Bullets for a close win.

I'm a bit late with this post, I'll try and get to them a day prior from now onwards. Let me know what you think

Last edited by Solesky at 8/6/2022 1:43:57 AM

This Post:
315337.8 in reply to 315337.7
Date: 8/6/2022 2:41:45 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Great preview. Yes, interesting games coming up!

I'll be happy with a 12 points or less loss!! Going to be another close season, so managing enthusiasm levels will be crucial.

Good luck all!

This Post:
315337.9 in reply to 315337.8
Date: 8/6/2022 5:43:21 AM
Wuhan Wastrels
Overall Posts Rated:
Call me Skip Bayless cos my predictions were shit! Lol

This Post:
315337.10 in reply to 315337.7
Date: 8/6/2022 6:34:06 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Good preview! Keep it up!

This Post:
315337.11 in reply to 315337.10
Date: 8/8/2022 4:01:45 AM
Wuhan Wastrels
Overall Posts Rated:
Here we are again for another one of Solesky's Spotlight (name pending). I'm currently sitting 0-2 on tips for my spotlight and 0-3 in the league, safe to say I've got a long road ahead of me!

Our next two games should be spicy!

Big 8

Lexington Nexus 2-1 vs Vietnam Dongs 2-1

The dongers are back in the spotlight after their disappointing loss to their rival Chocolate Thunder (down under). Both teams look to have a strong front court but I believe the Dongers have the upper hand in the back court and will take out the win.

VietDong by 15

A quick disclaimer, I will not take responsibility for any jinxing that comes your way for my tips. Thanks

Great 8

Plushie Monsters 3-0 vs Wolves Revenge 3-0

Another appearance for Plushie monsters in my spotlight. Coming off a huge win against some high tax-paying players in Brisbane Bullets, Plushie and Wolves will be fighting for Great 8 supremacy when they face off tomorrow. Based on pure game shape I'd say Plushies have the clear advantage. I've learned not to judge a book by its cover, so I can only assume that Plushies old boys have got some great skill builds.

Plushies by 18

Let me know what you guys think, if you suffered from my ill-fated tipping last week then I apologise profusely!

Last edited by Solesky at 8/8/2022 4:02:11 AM