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Training till what age?

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From: vonkrog
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Date: 5/17/2008 3:49:56 AM
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Hey there, i´ve got a question:

a.) Till what age are you training your players?

b.) Did you already figure out, up from what age the training starts to slow down noticeable?

(I´ve got a 27 Year old "allstar" and i´m not too sure if i should include him into the training. He seems to be too old, but somehow he deserves it, because he is such a nice guy!)

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31561.2 in reply to 31561.1
Date: 5/18/2008 3:31:22 PM
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I'm prety sure he'll very noticably train slower.
I noticed a slower training with my 26 year old last year.
Now he is 27 and I will keep him until he pops 1 more time to round it up, altough I know I shouldn't because it probably will take me twice as long as with a 20 year old or so...

As a side note: Last week my 35 year old popped 1 level in FT after more than half a season FT training. ;)

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31561.3 in reply to 31561.2
Date: 5/18/2008 3:38:21 PM
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As a side note: Last week my 35 year old popped 1 level in FT after more than half a season FT training. ;)

Oh shit ...

I though this training was mostly independt from ages, but hey it's never to late to learn new things.