Yeah I may have told a few of the NBBA guys about your secret prior to you altering it since I remember our BB-Mail conversation from Division 4... long time no see by the way ;)
I was going to start up this post but I got caught at the worst time. Just packed up a full 2 bedroom house and moved from CT to VA and drove 8 hours in a U-Haul to unpack it all. Appreciate you Lions for taking up the reigns on it and welcoming in the new guys.
I saw I took down Sofuegg in a buzzerbeater (pretty sure that's the first one of those I've had in a LONG time). I decided to take advantage of a normal + home game + lackey is still around + 7GS week to try and sneak a win. Looks like he hasn't made too many moves yet so I figured why not give it a go.
I'll leave my tanking as a note that I'll be floating slightly over salary floor this season and will have no qualms about winning games if I feel like I can do so at salary floor. If I win enough of those not to tank out then I won't leave. The easiest way to make money in BB is sitting in D1 on salary floor so I'll do it as long as y'all let me ;)
But yeah I did post my whole roster on the Discord and we banter on there a lot. Highly recommend anyone in here to at least accept the invite and check it out. If it's not your cup of tea you can always leave but we use the forums a bit less nowadays since we can chat on there and talk about games live and so on.
2x NBBA Champion: S55, S56. 3x USA Cup Champion: S54, S55, S56. WR for longest home streak ever at 11 in Season 47.