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Suggestions > Importance of rotation (teams with few players)

Importance of rotation (teams with few players)

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Date: 10/8/2022 3:37:06 AM
Vanessa Pineapples
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Good morning everyone,
Don't you think that a team with a very strong quintet and almost non-existent bench is excessively rewarded?

I mean, it is understandable that if you have 5 or 6 very strong players and they are in shape, it is correct that you win, but logically, the game should reward more those who have alternatives to compensate for any injuries, drops in form , bad games.... Often, however, it happens that those who aim to have 5 players with monstrous wages get away with it and win over those who build the team on the other criterion.

What do you think?

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Buongiorno a tutti,
Non trovate che venga premiata eccessivamente una squadra con un quintetto molto forte e panchina quasi inesistente?

Voglio dire, e comprensibile che se hai 5 o 6 giocatori fortissimi ed essi sono in forma, sia corretto che tu vinca, ma un po' a logica, il gioco dovrebbe premiare maggiormente chi dispone di alternative per sopperire ad eventuali infortuni, cali di forma, partite storte.... Spesso invece accade che chi punta ad avere 5 giocatori con paghe mostruose, la faccia franca e vinca su chi costruisce la squadra sull altro criterio.

Che ne pensate?

Last edited by GM-jokeru at 12/14/2022 5:02:40 AM

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316295.2 in reply to 316295.1
Date: 10/8/2022 5:44:29 AM
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the engine of the game for now still favors the teams thus composed.
The implementation of player exhaustion isn't as impactful as it should be. BBJustin himself had said that mediocre was acceptable resistance.
I think this little game will remain like this for loooong years.

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l'engine del gioco per ora favorisce ancora le squadre cosi composte.
L'implementazione dell'esaussto dei giocatori non è incisiva come dovrebbe. Lo stesso BBJustin aveva detto che mediocre era una resistenza accettabile.
Credo che rimarrà cosi per moooolti anni ancora questo giochino.

Last edited by GM-jokeru at 12/14/2022 5:05:20 AM