Latha math!
I have registered for re-election. While I am impressed with our starting five for next season, I am also worried about the team's future.
I found 5 players that are strong enough to compete with at least a third of the other U21 teams.
Kenneth MacPhee
(50894827), 21 years old, $ 43 027
Gordon Lennie
(51213756), 20 years old, $ 29 669
Alex Scully
(50892993), 21 years old, $ 28 469
Kenneth Skene
(50892257), 21 years old, $ 16 960
Malcolm Cobb
(50889791), 21 years old, $ 15 327
What a lineup! It would be the best of all my seasons as the coach of this team.
Joshua MacCrie
(51210011), 20 years old, $ 10 807
James Carrick
(51210142), 21 years old, $ 10 476
Jack Mundie
(50889822), 21 years old, $ 10 271
Kieran Dean
(50893054) 21 years old, $ 11 048
(Sam MacMillan
(50891977), 21 years old, $ 9 211)
These four/five complete the 10-man base of the team. The problem is that I have not found other suitable 20 year old players (who would also be eligible to play in season 61).
(David MacCutcheon
(51529653), 20 years old, $ 6 642)
(Dylan Fitchy
(51531729), 20 years old, $ 6 448)
So here's my idea:
The additional spots will be filled with 18 and 19 year olds who are trained every week. Their experience improves and we will have an even more competitive team in seasons 62 and 63.
@TRUF: Thanks for helping me find players.
Last edited by GM-The Brave Highlander at 2/7/2023 1:27:05 PM