during my last friendly match
(124545475) I set the following lineup:
PM:empty - De Rossi - De Rossi-->defense on PG
PG: Ughetto - Gnoni - Ughetto-->defense on PM
SF:empty - Marchisio - Marchisio-->defense on PF
PF: Brancasi - Angeli - Brancasi-->defense on C
C: empty - Timoteo - Timoteo -->defense on SF
Trainer: follow the indications;
But apparently everything was mixed up (e.g. Timoteo played as PG, Angeli played 48 minutes, etc.)
- Option 1: bug
- Option 2: ignorance (e.g. if you left three empty starters slots everything go crazy-->and I didn't know that, for example)
- Opetion 3: too many beers, I simply set the lineup wrong and I didn't actually set as written above (is there a way to discover it?)
Thanks to everyone who will enlighten me
EDIT: Option 3 is cleared away - I found out how to recoup the last lineup and it was the one mentioned above...then why the game decided not to follow my indications?
Last edited by Grandix at 4/27/2023 3:06:28 PM