Hello again.
Now I have some national players in my team and started pay more attention on statistics for the matches. And.... for me it is very strange and uncomfortable and not logical 2p+3p to be shown at once ....and also Of.Reb.+Def.Reb. to be shown also at once :)
I really prefer and want to see statistics just for 2 point shots and just for Defensive Rebounds and these statistics are missing because there are just general statistic for shots and for rebounds.
So, my idea is ...because maybe some users want it that way with general statistics for shot and rebounds ...and I definetely don't like it that way and for me it's awful and unlogical - you can implement some option where users can choose how they prefer to see the statistics table.
For example I will choose the moment such option appears ...to see just 2 point shots, just 3 point shot, just Offensive Rebound, just Defensive Rebounds!
That is what makes me uncomfortable with these statistics and maybe if you like the idea, you can suggest what kind of improvement in statistics table you will be happy to see and maybe developers can make not just 2 types of statistic table to choose from but 3 or 4.... for me its important just only 2 point and just only defensive rebounds to see ...and not these general statistics as it is right now :)
Thank you.