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Empty lineup notification

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From: Jason
This Post:
Date: 06/14/2023 13:42:44
Arizona Desert Storm
Overall Posts Rated:
Hey there, I received the empty lineup notification this morning at 6:00 a.m. letting me know that I needed to fix this error, and that I had a game in 4 hours. I signed onto the site at 9:36 am to set my lineup, only to find out it was too late because the game was actually starting at 9:40 a.m.

Usually I pay attention to my schedule, but in this instance I forgot, and then relied on the notification for my game time but as it turns out it was incorrect and I was not able to set my line up in time for today's BBM game.

This Post:
319500.2 in reply to 319500.1
Date: 06/16/2023 18:14:25
Puggle Power
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So 15 minutes before the game it cuts you off from changing anything so that would be why, hope this helped

Last edited by Stewikilla at 06/16/2023 18:15:03

This Post:
319500.3 in reply to 319500.2
Date: 06/16/2023 18:36:54
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I'm fairly certain Jason is aware of when the lineup locks. His questions/complaint is that the time-reminder indicated 4 hours, but it seems like the reminder rounded up the BB game start time and did not give him an accurate time of when the game would be beginning. Most games will start on the hour, while BBM games sometimes have weird start times and the notification reminder may not be precise enough.

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
This Post:
319500.4 in reply to 319500.3
Date: 06/16/2023 18:55:57
Puggle Power
Overall Posts Rated:
Oh shit I'm an idiot my bad

This Post:
319500.5 in reply to 319500.4
Date: 06/16/2023 20:14:49
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
You are totally fine! We always appreciate forum activity and giving advice/helping when you can. This was just a weird one. I love the team name by the way!

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
From: Jason

This Post:
319500.6 in reply to 319500.3
Date: 06/17/2023 01:45:54
Arizona Desert Storm
Overall Posts Rated:
I'm fairly certain Jason is aware of when the lineup locks. His questions/complaint is that the time-reminder indicated 4 hours, but it seems like the reminder rounded up the BB game start time and did not give him an accurate time of when the game would be beginning. Most games will start on the hour, while BBM games sometimes have weird start times and the notification reminder may not be precise enough.

Yeah normally I pay attention and I'm on top of my schedule.... But on the rare times where I'm busy and forget it's always nice when that 4-hour email comes in and reminds me.... So I saw that in the morning and thought when I logged on 24 minutes before 10:00. I would have 9 minutes to get my lineup set.... But instead learned that my game was starting in just a few minutes..