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Suggestions > Enthusiasm and TIE

Enthusiasm and TIE

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From: Boogz
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Date: 5/20/2008 10:28:59 AM
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If you TIE and loose a game how could that raise your enthusiasm.

My suggestion is when you TIE and loose then you keep same enthusiasm, loose it or gain just a little.

Maybe that woudl maek stronger teams think twice before TIE'ing evrything, and it would decrease mutual TIE's ?

From: CrazyEye

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32100.2 in reply to 32100.1
Date: 5/20/2008 11:31:26 AM
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because you don't take the game that serious, on the other hand tie are a tactical choice i don't wanna miss.

The same thing is for ct and win, there should be an lose of enthusiams 2

From: prosiri
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32100.3 in reply to 32100.2
Date: 6/29/2008 11:23:17 AM
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How realistic does this sound?

TIE/win.........enthusiasm- up, game shape -up
TIE/lose..........enthusiasm slightly -down, game shape -up

CT/win..........enthusiasm slightly -up, game shape -down
CT/lose.........enthusiasm -down, game shape -down

If you look closely I'd say this reflects the real life situations much better then the current system.

This Post:
32100.4 in reply to 32100.3
Date: 6/29/2008 11:32:38 AM
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How realistic does this sound?

TIE/win.........enthusiasm- up, game shape -up
TIE/lose..........enthusiasm slightly -down, game shape -up

CT/win..........enthusiasm slightly -up, game shape -down
CT/lose.........enthusiasm -down, game shape -down

If you look closely I'd say this reflects the real life situations much better then the current system.

I'm not in for it. When you CT it normally means you fear you will not be able to win when you play normal. In fact the chances are big the other team is just better. If you CT in order to TRY to win, you should not be punished if you still loose.
To use numbers: say you have about 5% chance of winning if you normal, and you estimate you have 50% chance of winning if you CT. In normal cases you'd probably crunch in order to try to win, but knowing that if you loose you will be punished, you might opt to just trow the game to avoid the possible negative effect should you loose....
I don't think we want to see people trowing games, do we?

Same goes for TIE / loose -> down: I fear this will make prety sure nobody will want to TIE anymore

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
32100.5 in reply to 32100.4
Date: 6/29/2008 12:21:40 PM
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You have the point but that is why I think game shape should have something to do with it. This is how I see things:

TIE/win.........enthusiasm- up, game shape -up
You tell the guy to take it easy. The don't get tired for the next match (game shape -up) and they are very happy after winning with low effort.

TIE/lose..........enthusiasm slightly -down, game shape -up
I don't really see any logic behind someone feeling better after a lost game!

CT/win..........enthusiasm slightly -up, game shape -down
They give their best, run all over the place and their GS goes down for the next game. If they won it, their team spirit must be even stronger then before!You can ask: ok, I CT all the time, I win all the time and my enthusiasm goes up. There goes the game shape factor that will not let you do this!

CT/lose.........enthusiasm -down, game shape -down
All clear here I suppose.

I fear this will make prety sure nobody will want to TIE anymore

I think you will agree that people TIE much more now, than they would in the real life, but on the other hand, getting your game shape up can be a sensible investment in such a risk.

Generally speaking, this TIE/CT thing shouldn't be as straight forward as it is now. It has been way over-exploited in my oppinion.

This Post:
32100.6 in reply to 32100.5
Date: 6/29/2008 1:06:39 PM
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mhh this change would change a lot, in the actual system is it pretty easy to get the game shape nealry to the maximum so there must be change to.

This ain't impossible, and probadly more realisitic - but i don't like it that much because with this change the top teams get even stronger(cause they win much) and you got less chanches to concentrate on special games tie and ct are actual good tactical element i won't miss and i don't like to seen fight.

Maybe kicking enthusaim and work over game shape was a good solution, but i think it ain't necessary.

This Post:
32100.7 in reply to 32100.5
Date: 6/29/2008 2:29:46 PM
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the way I see it, if you tell your guys to take it easy, it doesn't matter if you win or loose, so why would the enthousiasm be lower if they loose? they don't mind, because it was unimportant, what was important was that they could play relaxed and had a little teambuilding while they where playing, this always results in positive enthousiasm...

on the other hand, if you tell them they HAVE to try to win, no matter if they win or loose there will be (serious) tension during the game, and even if they win, it will linger and make enthousiasm lower, they end the game being much lesser friends then when they could play relaxed, no matter the outcome.

I think it is prety well integrated in this game this way.

I don't see why you would have it influence game shape. You say that if one works hard, his shape drops? I thought the opposite...

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
32100.8 in reply to 32100.7
Date: 6/29/2008 5:45:21 PM
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OK, maybe my suggestion is not the best one..
Anyway, to conclude:

1. Are you considering some kind of changes regarding this since there is so much complains about it?

2. What are the real reasons behind stating game approach in the report?

This Post:
32100.9 in reply to 32100.8
Date: 6/29/2008 6:18:44 PM
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2. that they aren't in the ratings anymore ;) So when you hide it the game ratings are more mysterious then they already are, you cann't look at your opponent to calculate your chanches etc.

to point one, i know a lot more people who like it, and i can't see your problem braking an tie agreement if the opponent see it's. For me it#s a bit gutless, i could break an agreement and stand to it, even if people don't ask me afterwards that often for it ...

From: OJAY

This Post:
32100.10 in reply to 32100.8
Date: 6/30/2008 1:30:12 AM
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1. Are you considering some kind of changes regarding this since there is so much complains about it?

TIE and CT should be like it is, the problem is that You and maybe some other dont understand to handle it, maybe you should work on it... there is no complains about it and nothing to consider, only learning to handle it!

From: raonne
This Post:
32100.11 in reply to 32100.10
Date: 6/30/2008 8:25:57 AM
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I like the Enthusiasm and Attitude the way it is, but I can give you a reference of another way it can be done. This is how it's done in a tennis manager I played before:

Enthusiasm goes from 0 to 100 (starting at 50 for everyone).

Attitude in a game has 5 levels, which would be something like this:: 1("take it very easy"), 2 ("take it easy"), 3 ("normal"), 4 ("crunch time"), 5 ("very crunch time").

Now the consequences on the enthusiasm go as follows:

Attitude 1: Win (Ent+5), Loss (Ent+3)
Attitude 2: Win (Ent+3), Loss (Ent+1)
Attitude 3: Win (Ent+1), Loss (Ent-1)
Attitude 4: Win (Ent-1), Loss (Ent-3)
Attitude 5: Win (Ent-3), Loss (Ent-5)

I think it's also a cool way to do it, and it kinda models reality a little better too.

Edit: I adjusted the names to buzzerbeater style, but of course this things are called differently there.

Last edited by raonne at 6/30/2008 8:27:53 AM