From my point of view i consulted all Malaysian players between 23 -26 years .
I found 9( potențial MVP -Hof) players with 30k+ salries .At 26 web have 4 players all hof 2 of them are already in NT,and one that IT looks ok îs on TL( with 2.1 milions,IT should be buyed by an Malaysian manager.At 28-29 with a lot of work he can be part of NT .at least as back up.But this îs reality.
You have 2 players with 27 years.Both in îs possesesd by an chinese manager which is well known that îs training monsters(spardaks)
Wei Wenqing i saw him in TL and IT looked very still has room to grow,his manager has to be convinced to continue training him.
I also saw 2 players with 28 îs NT players already .the other......
This would be the backbone of NT for the next 4or 5 seasons.It is what IT îs and we have to fi the maximum with what we have and to try improvement for the future.
It s encouraging that half of NT players are owned by Malaysian managers.iI have to congratulate Nico4 Nicolas (4 players and 2 for u21and anothers), Chosen One (4 players),my contracandidate Atlentico which has one NT..i see that are also managers which are traing for u21 ...this îs also encouraging
From my point of view we need 7,8 managers to dedicate their time to train .IT îs hard with the small comunities because You don't have prospects but again You have to do the maximum with what You have .
I see that 4 or 5 managers are trying ,we have to involve anothers .
About the goals...i can say that i saw the opponents for this season .There are 6 official games 3 with chances 3 with small ore very small chanches to do Something.China , Australia, and Philliphines will win against Malaysia.New Zeeland has few interesting players but i think IT can be beaten.This îs the reality from my point of view ...waiting for others to came with other opinions.
I think we should try to make the maximum with what we have because the future îs not very bright If another managers aren't joining the cause.
About the changes....speaking from myself i can say that im pretty familiar....but You need money to spent to take advantages of that.indeed when i was at my peak in BB there weren't extra coaches for 18-19 prospects to train separately ,i didn' t have the posibilities to grow stamina and free throws without loosing time for principal skills ,now You can earn more money If You build separate facilities....etc
I'm old .....not rust..(Schwarzenegger....terminator😉😂😂).
I don't know If does exist an external group other than this where managers exchange opinions ,because i don't see a lot of life in this.
For Westri:why You didn' t continued as NT coach ?...You more wins that defeats.
You all have a Nice day!