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National Team Speeches (thread closed)

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322089.2 in reply to 322089.1
Date: 11/29/2023 2:23:46 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Virtu Buzzerbeater Community of Iceland

Mig langar að verða landsliðsþjálfari þinn. Nei, ég lofa ekki kraftaverkum, ég held að ég sé ekki betri en fyrri þjálfarar. Ég vil bara kveikja eld að það er gleði fyrir hvern einasta suðaraspilara hér að styðja heimamenn og fagna sigri eða tveimur með NT.

Það væri heiður að vinna fyrir Ísland og samfélag þess.

Ef þú hefur einhverjar spurningar, vinsamlegast hafðu samband.

Bestu kveðjur Tómas

Esteemed Buzzerbeater Community of Iceland

I would like to become your national coach. No, I don't promise miracles, I don't think I'm better than the previous coaches. I just want to light a fire that it is a joy for every buzzer beater player here to support the local players and celebrate a win or two with the NT.

It would be an honor to work for Iceland and its community. - If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Best regards Thomas

Man ist erst besiegt, wenn man sich geschlagen gibt!
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322089.3 in reply to 322089.2
Date: 11/30/2023 10:17:58 AM
chicago bulbs II
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I think the main purpose should be support actual managers to train players in the right way. Maybe with some new type of players such block shot guys and so on. Trying to focur on 6-7 players with great potential asking managers to train well or sell ahah :D

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322089.4 in reply to 322089.3
Date: 12/2/2023 8:46:38 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Stómas II
I agree.
What we are missing is some kind of a "community" or a strategy where at least a few managers are all pulling in the same direction. Find a few managers who are willing to put in the work to train potential NT players and make everyone train a certain type of player. That way not everyone is making the same cookie cutter player etc.

But it's hard with only a handful of active managers, even harder for us to hit our draft picks unless most of us just full on tank etc.

I spoke a lot to the current NT manager and he helped me a lot with training and he has some great knowledge. But not sure if he spoke to any others

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322089.5 in reply to 322089.4
Date: 12/3/2023 6:50:54 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:

Since I can only write one post here, please move it

My plan:

Scouting of all players up to 20 years old. List by age, potential, size and skill.

Write to the relevant managers and ask whether the player is being trained and, above all, what, depending on the size.

If potential is high, longer-term training (1 vs 1) for 1 or 2 seasons. Ideally with 6 trainees. Then sell the worst 3 after a season.

In this way, functioning scouting could be set up for the future.

Man ist erst besiegt, wenn man sich geschlagen gibt!