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Foul Shooter in Case of Injury

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From: jimrtex
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Date: 5/20/2008 9:06:20 PM
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I just had a player injured while taking a shot, so he was substituted for.

But then the substitute, an awful FT shooter took the FT. Doesn't the coach of the team with the injured player get to choose the FT shooter, and wouldn't he have chosen a prominent FT shooter?

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32226.2 in reply to 32226.1
Date: 5/21/2008 4:21:31 AM
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The player who sustitutes his injured Teammate has to shoot the Free Throws. That is no bug, that is a basketball rule.

In Real Life a Coach maybe choses a good shooter to enter the Game (but would you take a PG to substitute your Center only because of 2 FT ?), but here he has to follow your settings for the position first, so the Backup enters the game.

Last edited by Beeblebrox at 5/21/2008 4:23:38 AM

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32226.3 in reply to 32226.2
Date: 5/21/2008 10:38:47 AM
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From Wiki:

If a player is injured upon being fouled and cannot shoot free throws, the offensive team may designate any player from the bench to shoot in the place of the injured player in college; in the NBA, the opposing team designates the player to shoot, unless the foul committed was a flagrant-2.

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A CT? Really?
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