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Suggestions > Change the way NT elections work

Change the way NT elections work

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From: Ators
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Date: 12/05/2023 00:32:55
Golden Gladiators
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Gladiators Junior
This is more of a complaint for minor nations. But I was the NT manager for algreia and the election finished 1-1 and was tied. I also had a higher world rank than my opponent too. But I guess in the current format it goes to the person who was on the site first. I think a tie should go to the incumbent. Just a thought for how the game should improved because I had brought them from 98 to 81 in WR. And it sucks I lost because of some weird tie-breaker.

From: E.B.W.

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322321.3 in reply to 322321.2
Date: 12/06/2023 00:01:42
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I think tie going to the current NT manager makes the most sense. Most times when there is a tie, the current NT manager isn't usually running though, so it's probably not a very frequent issue.

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
From: Ators

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322321.4 in reply to 322321.3
Date: 12/07/2023 02:30:09
Golden Gladiators
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Gladiators Junior
Ya, I agree that's probably why it wasn't even noticed till now, but I think it still should be changed to the current NT manager winning instead of who was on the site first