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Economic Update

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From: Rook IQ
This Post:
Date: 12/10/2023 4:43:38 PM
Razorbacks Ball Club
Overall Posts Rated:

It appears my team did not receive an economic update.

Is someone able to please look into this for me?

This Post:
322378.3 in reply to 322378.2
Date: 2/1/2024 5:09:59 PM
Mos Eisley Imperials
Overall Posts Rated:
I'm assuming you're referring to your Utopia team here (276721)

From the third round robin of season 61 through all of season 62, you didn't win any league games. From the documentation on boycotts (

> Fans will not tolerate long losing streaks, especially if a team has the funds to prevent them. They will boycott teams that don’t have at least one victory in each third of the season

> The effect of the boycott will be reduced by 3% after each home match, as the fans cool down. Should there be another boycott while the existing one still lasts, the effects will be added together (maxing out at 30%).

So at the end of season 61, you would have gotten a boycott based on the amount of cash on hand you had at that point. Assuming you had $2.25M-$3M cash, that would be a 15% boycott.

Boycott goes down by 3% after each home game, so at the end of the first round of in-conference play in season 62 (after 7 games), you had played 4 home games, reducing your boycott by 12% (with the example amount above, that would leave you at 3%). But then you triggered another boycott - if you had $3M-$4M cash at that point, that would add 18% additional boycott, to a total of 21%.

After inter-conference play (game #15), you had played 4 more home games and in the example above your total boycott would now stand at 9%. But then you triggered another boycott - if you had $3M-$4M cash at that point, it would add 18% additional boycott, to a total of 27%.

At the end of season 62, you had played 3 more home games and in the example above your total boycott would now stand at 18%. But then you triggered another boycott - if you had $3M-$4M cash at that point, it would add 18% additional boycott, but the overall cap of 30% boycott would kick in.

At this point in season 63, you have played 8 home games, reducing your boycott by 24%, and not triggered any additional boycotts. Your fan survey will tell you the exact percentage remaining, either 3% or 6%, but it should clear up after 2 more home games at the most -- your final home game this season should be boycott free.

Last edited by Azariah at 2/1/2024 5:10:30 PM

This Post:
322378.5 in reply to 322378.4
Date: 2/2/2024 10:38:50 AM
Mos Eisley Imperials
Overall Posts Rated:
From screenshots other people have posted, I believe that "I'm happy with the results this season" will always show 0 balls for the duration of a boycott. But I don't know that for a fact / haven't seen documentation to that effect.

From: Rook IQ

This Post:
322378.7 in reply to 322378.1
Date: 3/25/2024 5:21:18 PM
Razorbacks Ball Club
Overall Posts Rated:

I recently invested in the Level 1 Merchandise Store on the weekend before the scheduled Weekly Economic Update.

I can see I ended up paying the 5,000 weekly infrastructure costs however did not recieve the 10,000 Merchandise Store funds its says I should of received in the Merchandise breakdown.

Can someone please look into this?

My team was also one of the ones affected by the economy update bug and was late again.

Last edited by Rook IQ at 3/25/2024 5:21:56 PM

This Post:
322378.9 in reply to 322378.8
Date: 3/26/2024 3:27:19 PM
Razorbacks Ball Club
Overall Posts Rated:
I bought it on Sunday afternoon, our Economic updates take place 3am Monday morning here.

I paid the 5k infrastructure costs, my Total merchandise states 51k (10k Merchandise Store in the breakdown), however I only recieved 41k from merchandise.

There was enough time to calculate all that and have it on my economy page at the time of the economic update so I believe I should also recieve the funds