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Drop in attendance?

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Date: 05/10/2024 10:48:46
Tampines Fusion
Overall Posts Rated:
The attendance of my last 3 home games was:
Game 1, 4/20/2024 vs Country Rank 5, different conference, 3rd in conference: 18775
Game 2, 4/30/2024 vs Country Rank 2, difference conference, 1st in conference: 16887
Game 3, 5/7/2024 vs Country Rank 6, same conference, 4th in conference: 18215

I lost game 1, but the subsequent game was the Cup Semifinals. I basically won the cup (meaning I won the next two games) then trashed the 8th rank team of the other conference by almost 140 points. But after all that I received a weird dip in Game 2, despite winning the past 3 games.

Anyone able to explain it? Ticket prices were exactly the same. If we look purely at opponent quality, Game 2 should actually draw the biggest crowd. All 3 games were preceded by away league wins, so last game results should not be a factor here.

I just can't believe why despite having such favourable conditions: away win, cup win, no player sales, against the best team I can face in the country (tied first if we look at game record), the attendance dropped so much. Could it be that TV games reduce the number of attendance?

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323587.2 in reply to 323587.1
Date: 05/12/2024 19:15:59
Jack Sparrow
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The rules say that televised games slightly lower attendance.

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323587.3 in reply to 323587.2
Date: 05/12/2024 19:35:22
Tampines Fusion
Overall Posts Rated:
Ah I guess that explains it. Where did you see it tho? I checked a few sections which could contain info and could only find it in the Games section where they say
Additionally, three of the games during the season will also be classified as televised games. These games have a higher impact on your fan base than normal games. Win big or lose a nail-biter on the road on TV and everybody wants your star player's jersey. Lose big and be prepared to look at even more empty seats.