So my problem is this: I've tried to set up/send a roster for two recent games without success - before that everything has worked mainly fine (well, some of those Oops!-error screens are familiar to all of us for sure) over the years. The result of this attempt of mine is this classical "Oops! Something went wrong with your request."-error screen and line up for a match won't be saved.
I've tried using BB with multiple browser privacy settings, and browser settings that I now have used haven't been problem in the past. Also nothing else has changed, for instance browser settings, login address (there are few different ones you could use as far as my memory serves me), or my choices regarding BB`s privacy settings (that do appear just before you login - in common sense that shouldn´t be the issue anyway, no matter what privacy choices you make in that menu it´s the only sensible assumption that BB must remain completely functional in it´s core functions at least).
Currently I´m not able to use BB app for now or login through phone, or use another browser to access BB (but again, that has never been issue in the past so I don´t know why it would be an issue now). In the past, I´ve experienced that Oops!-screen many times, but it has never been an issue for this long and persistently prevented me from sending rosters for matches.
I already contacted some GM´s about this issue, but I´m somewhat time pressed to get this thing sorted out (preferably before tomorrow´s friendly match which will otherwise properly ruin my game shape, and and that would put me in a serious risk of relegation!) and in the case these helpful GM´s would be too busy to handle this issue quickly this time, I'd appreciate anyone´s help/input on this, who might have had experienced similar situation and have found a solution for it.. so thanks very much in advance!