"Welcome to Season 65: The LeBron effect!
Medical advancements, nutritional supplements, cryo chambers, etc… They have all had a great effect on increased player durability and have extended careers of greatest basketball stars. Following suit, we are pushing the start of the deterioration age for all BB players to 35! The change has already been implemented starting today!"
Tocmai a devenit si mai valoros antrenamentul jucatorilor
Daca acum cateva sezoane, la 33 incepeau sa scada, acum incep la 35. Iar de obicei la 33 scadeau o treapta, maxim doua. Insemnand ca vom putea impinge unii jucatori la 36-38 de ani. Curios ar fi de stiut daca si varsta de training s-a extins odata cu extensia aceasta.