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PR manager

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Date: 8/16/2024 6:40:17 AM
Thule Aurora
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Hello, how is it going? Can you tell me about the PR manager? When is it advisable to hire one? Does he makes a profit worth his salary? how does this work? Thank you!

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324624.2 in reply to 324624.1
Date: 8/16/2024 10:28:28 AM
Warriors of Berlin
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Greek Spartans
Yes of course he is useful.For III competent-advanced is enough,depends of your weekly expenses.Also do not spend more than 10-20k to buy them.This period you can find them in cheap price and try he will have low salary to keep him long term (maximum value for money)
Also will be good if he will have speciality but if you dont have any plans for promotion or to win rival games is not necessary to overpay to buy him

On game manual explains exactly about PR and his speciality

"Public Relations Managers help market the team to the fans, encouraging more people to show up to games and be willing to pay more for tickets. Public Relation Managers can have the following specialties:

Crowd Involvement: Your team will experience a slightly stronger Home-Court Advantage for your home games.

National Appeal: When your team is on the road, your opponents will have a slightly decreased Home-Court Advantage."

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324624.4 in reply to 324624.2
Date: 8/17/2024 9:27:43 AM
Thule Aurora
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Thank you for your answer, I will hire one and see how it goes.

From: Nehuencb

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324624.5 in reply to 324624.3
Date: 8/17/2024 9:31:45 AM
Thule Aurora
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Thank you for your answer. Though, I'm now confused about what the role of the PRmanager is because of your add on. The manual says that he "help market the team to the fans, encouraging more people to show up to games and be willing to pay more for tickets". I kinda see the relation with the fan survey, but barely. How does this mechanich you mentioned works? Where can I read about it in more detail?

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324624.7 in reply to 324624.6
Date: 8/17/2024 9:45:08 AM
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Little Computer People
I think, the PR-Manager is one of the most unrevealed secret of BB.

Here ist some information about everything else (299939.1)

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
From: Nehuencb

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324624.8 in reply to 324624.6
Date: 8/17/2024 10:08:28 AM
Thule Aurora
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Ok, great. That makes more sense. Thanks!

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324624.9 in reply to 324624.7
Date: 8/17/2024 10:09:24 AM
Thule Aurora
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Great link man, thank you! I will look into it more thoroughly later.