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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Private League - TIE

Private League - TIE (thread closed)

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From: OJAY
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Date: 6/4/2008 2:12:58 AM
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Hi, coincidentally I saw that my team play an TIE in the following PL-Match, I am wondering because normally there is no option for playing TIE in an PL-Match...


So, how can that happen? Maybe because I take an other match for the positioning!?

That looks like an bug!!!

PS: Next match I will try to play an CT :-)

From: KifaH

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34468.2 in reply to 34468.1
Date: 6/4/2008 3:14:46 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Yes it is because you took previous match for positioning.

And it is not a bug, it have been reported thousand times before. This one is purely presentational. It has no efect on your team performance in PL, or scrimmages.