Should I increase ticket prices?
Your fan base will grow with time... After two or three games, if you think you want to sell more seats, decrease the prices; if you're selling out the stadium, then increase the prices. But there's no real way to tell until you watch a game or two.
does an injured player actually train?
what position does count for training-the last played, or the overall? I mean
player A->1st match C, 2nd match C, 3rd match PF, will he get training from center (if I'm training centers)?
The training happens once per week, and is based on how many minutes played that week in the position(s) you set on your training page. So, if a player doesn't play in a game (or cup, or scrimmage), he won't train.
Edited 7/24/2007 10:41:54 PM by BB-Mark