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Weekly stats

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From: yorty
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Date: 6/28/2008 12:24:29 AM
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Noticed that weekly stats havent been taken back to 0 after training? Is there a problem here

From: yorty

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37298.2 in reply to 37298.1
Date: 6/28/2008 12:26:04 AM
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Well now they are updated? Do PL games count for mins in weekly stats? If not what are the PL games for?

From: Shawnas

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37298.3 in reply to 37298.2
Date: 6/28/2008 1:11:01 AM
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they do not count and are just to try out tactics and maybe show your friends who's the boss :) you won't get injuries in that games either :)

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37298.4 in reply to 37298.2
Date: 6/28/2008 3:23:34 AM
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PL games are strictly for fun.

Weekly Stats stay like that after training for a bit in case someone didn't get to see the minutes between the end of their Cup/scrimmage game and training.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
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37298.5 in reply to 37298.4
Date: 6/28/2008 8:27:46 AM
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Weekly Stats stay like that after training for a bit in case someone didn't get to see the minutes between the end of their Cup/scrimmage game and training.

yes, or an other way to help you remind when the weekly stats are reset is:
Weekly stats = stats for that playing week.
The playing week starts on saturday.
So the stats will be reset the update before saturday's game, which is in the night from friday to saturday.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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37298.6 in reply to 37298.5
Date: 6/28/2008 2:05:08 PM
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Thanks for all the info. Now i know that i could improved my PL line up