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Suggestions > transfer list scout

transfer list scout

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Date: 7/26/2008 4:44:06 AM
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I think that could be good hint to have in each team for free an advisor, here I mean a transferlist scout

especially for a new users which don't like to read (:D) or just for have these hints for fun to see what advisor thinks about your team

I mean that there can be somewhere from the transferlist scout an advice which player he recommends you which is actually on transferlist

he will see your money ballance (average ballance which you have normally and best ballance which you have from time to time) and he recommends you a players which are putted there for that money and which would be best investment for you, because according to a ratings, you need to fill in a hole which you have

simple advices from your scout - players which you would buy if you think that's the right choice

he would be only automatical and you cannot demand from him anything specific, he is just your free advisor

Last edited by Iordanou at 7/26/2008 4:49:51 AM