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Suggestions > Season Ticket Holders

Season Ticket Holders

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Date: 7/29/2008 1:21:21 AM
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If attendences are going to improve then why not allocate a total amount of fans/season ticket holders to a division/country.


Div 1 has 16 active teams and for examples sake 64,000 possible Season ticket holders/fans. So each season depending on performance each team has on average of 4,000 STH

Div.1 with only 8 active teams - give the 8 bots a default amount of ? 500 and divide the rest through the inactive teams.

As the bots are replaced by humans their extra STH will slowly reduce and be redistributed amongst the new humans....

Ok so 1 team shouldnt get 64,000 STH!!! but you get the jist of the suggestion!!

Last edited by Superfly Guy at 7/29/2008 1:22:39 AM

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40641.2 in reply to 40641.1
Date: 7/30/2008 7:20:52 PM
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Haha, another suggestion to benefit your team

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40641.3 in reply to 40641.2
Date: 7/30/2008 7:38:04 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Haha, another suggestion to benefit your team :)

well it would be the first one implemeted for a while that did!

ok i concede - lets give as much money to the 'big leagues' and the rest of us can just sit back watch!

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40641.4 in reply to 40641.3
Date: 7/31/2008 2:35:50 AM
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I think this is actually a pretty good suggestion.
Obviously there would have to be a cap in the number, so that one dominating team wouldn't become ridiculously dominating. A not very high one.
On the other hand, it would definitely hurt close leagues teams, as it would make it easier for dominating teams in smaller leagues to get big crowds and consequently more money.
On another hand (yup, a third hand), the way it works right now already allows this, so it shouldn't represent great change in that aspect.