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BB USA > Q&A With The NT Coach

Q&A With The NT Coach

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Date: 8/1/2008 12:17:57 PM
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If anyone has any questions pertaining to the USA NT, ask away.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
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41131.2 in reply to 41131.1
Date: 8/1/2008 4:25:17 PM
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Do you feel that if one ( or more) of our best players were crippled by injury or bad game shape this moment we could still be competitive? Do we have depth both on the team and in the general US community?

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41131.3 in reply to 41131.2
Date: 8/1/2008 5:37:19 PM
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Do you feel that if one ( or more) of our best players were crippled by injury or bad game shape this moment we could still be competitive? Do we have depth both on the team and in the general US community?


We currently have 4 open roster spots for the remaining 3 games of qualifying (of which only the semifinals really matter), so we have room to maneuver, and we're currently tracking 125 players from ages 18-22, so not only do we have depth on the team, but we have depth waiting in the wings, and we have youth that are developing nicely.

This also will help the U21s, as their only concern will really be the newly drafted 18 y/o players.

At every position if we had someone go down for an extended period, we have someone waiting in the wings to pick up the slack, with a slight if any downgrade.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
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41131.4 in reply to 41131.3
Date: 8/2/2008 2:52:50 AM
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Not a question, just wanted to check in and this is most convenient. I've got 12 BBmails sitting in the file waiting for updates, but I'm still not set up in my new place. It should happen some time this week, but I'm not entirely sure when.

I'll update ya when I can