I'm trying to figure out my budget for the upcoming season and was wanting to know how many weeks there are in a given season so I can plan for my weekly scouting budget.
As it stands right now, I stand to gain $630K from TV Revenue this season which is more than enough alone to cover my team's player salaries, staff salaries, expected stadium construction, and weekly scouting cost. However, that weekly scouting cost is based off $10K/11 weeks since I figured an average of 2 games a week for 22 games equals 11 weeks.
Finally, I remember reading it somewhere on the boards but I've sold out every game for quite a while now (minus the first round when two tickets were not sold) and because I am building more stadium seats, I wanted to increase the ticket prices in order to help facilitate the building process and generate more revenue later. I cannot remember if it was mentioned that you increase no more than 20% so could someone correct me or point me to that thread discussing that topic. I've already gone through 20-30 pages of threads not finding the answer.