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BB USA > lateral move??

lateral move??

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Date: 8/12/2008 2:52:49 PM
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I went from ii.2 to ii.3 overnight. Why?

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42659.2 in reply to 42659.1
Date: 8/12/2008 2:54:52 PM
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I wonder if they had some kinks in the promotion algorithm and had to re-run it. Looks like maybe the rivals thing was added, but isn't completely working correctly yet either.


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42659.3 in reply to 42659.2
Date: 8/12/2008 6:51:02 PM
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it would be nice to get some clarification from staff, indicating how much promotion money was awardd, and under what circumstances, and how it shows up.

the lack of communication is just not good, even if the product mostly is. the uncertainty and angst that other teams have creates a less than ideal atmosphere.

this is another of those issues. if they had simply said that they had redone the promotion tool, id feel better than i did at the time, when i was wondering if i hallucinated yesterday.

Last edited by TheUnrepentantGunner at 8/12/2008 6:53:46 PM

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42659.4 in reply to 42659.3
Date: 8/12/2008 6:56:16 PM
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Going along with that, I'd love to know how they determine where teams get promoted/relegated to. I assume that they have a fixed formula for it.

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42659.7 in reply to 42659.5
Date: 8/12/2008 10:35:32 PM
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Going along with that, I'd love to know how they determine where teams get promoted/relegated to. I assume that they have a fixed formula for it.

I suspect their fixed formula is of the kind randomize(x). But that's just a guess.

Do you suspect this based on observation or for some other reason? Leaving it up to a random choice seems a little strange to me.

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42659.9 in reply to 42659.1
Date: 8/13/2008 6:19:14 AM
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I went from ii.2 to ii.3 overnight.

Can someone move him back please? Thanks.

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
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42659.10 in reply to 42659.9
Date: 8/13/2008 7:32:52 AM
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come on dark, you probably have a better team than me.
i think im happier in ii.3 from a competitiveness standpoint, though its alot less active than ii.2.

i plan on fixing that by calling every team out and talking massive amounts of trash.

that will make for an active conference ;)

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42659.11 in reply to 42659.10
Date: 8/14/2008 8:26:23 AM
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I welcome that kind of thing

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.