So I thought I'd try something out here. I've been very slowly working up a Perl library for working with the BBAPI. To spur my development, I'm looking for uses for the library.
So that's where this post comes in! I'm looking for your suggestions on an interesting stat or an interesting answer I can generate using the BBAPI. I'll look at the suggestions and pick one to do, then report back the answer within a day or two. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Here are some guidelines:
- The question needs to be answerable with data I can get from the BBAPI:
( Transfers and national teams are not part of that.
- It shouldn't be too intensive on the servers. So, let's say it needs to be answerable using less than ~250 pages.
- It should be possibly interesting to everyone. So, nothing that solely deals with some country's IV.42 or something.
- It shouldn't duplicate a supporter stat.
So, feel free to fire away with your requests.
Last edited by Mod-oeuftete at 9/15/2008 9:54:08 PM