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Suggestions > altering the gameweek/training update time?

altering the gameweek/training update time?

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From: dhoff
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Date: 11/2/2007 3:55:14 AM
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My training gameweek is as follows: Game Sunday night, Game Tuesday night, Game Thursday night. And then there's training late Thursday night.

Now, since I don't have complete control over how many minutes various players are due to get in various positions (which is fine - I like the challenge), I have to wait to see how many players got how many minutes in which training positions to decide which slots I want to train. And since training happens just a few hours after my third game of the week, I have a window of only a few hours to do this. If I'm out on Thursday night (drinking comes to mind), I've missed a chance to optimize training.

I propose spreading things out a bit - for instance, making training more than 24 hours after a match was played (as in HT). So, late Friday night, for instance. Ideally, I'd have it happen in the 3-day break from Saturday-Tuesday (say, on Sunday), since nothing else is really happening there, but I suppose we want training to occur after scrimmages/cup matches.

From: jimrtex

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5419.2 in reply to 5419.1
Date: 11/2/2007 5:28:41 AM
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The underlying model is that you trained all week with emphasis on certain skills, and then when the players got into the game they finally comprehended what you were emphsizing in the coaching drillls. And if you were training stamina, does it make sense to say that you had the players running laps all week, when you switched after seeing the results of the games?

Maybe a different format could be used.

For example, training after every game, with training set before the game. Each training update would only improve skills by 1/3 of the current amount, based on 16 minutes of PT. Any unused PT could be carried forward for 2 games.