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PR Manager

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From: Elites
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Date: 10/22/2008 10:17:27 AM
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Who would be a better PR Manager To Win Games to my knowledge Crowd Inv Gives extra benefit to home games and National App gives benefit to Away games, Is this correct . And would Crowd Inv give more tickets sales and revenue ? Please Help . Which is the Best Way ?

From: Calum

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54688.2 in reply to 54688.1
Date: 10/22/2008 11:23:00 AM
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The specialty will not effect ticket sales, just the lvl. (ie. lvl 5 sells more tickets than 3).

Crowd involvement supposedly improved home performance, national appeal, away. Yes

Personally, i would value National Appeal more than Crowd involvement as I would like to think of myself as a top half team, and therefore think it could make the nessesary difference to win the improtant away games, and the conference.

If you are a team struggling to stay in the division, i would recommend Crowd involvement so you at least have a better chance to win your home games.

From: CrazyEye

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54688.3 in reply to 54688.2
Date: 10/22/2008 12:20:48 PM
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are they rumours how much this speciality works?

From: Calum

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54688.4 in reply to 54688.3
Date: 10/22/2008 12:33:38 PM
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I heard they made a very small amount of difference. I dont think it would be worth my investment at this stage anyway.

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54688.5 in reply to 54688.4
Date: 10/22/2008 4:24:33 PM
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Okay, just for Grins & Giggles, if home court advantage is 100% -- how do you rank CT, TIE and bonus from PR specialty?

My Guess

Home Court: 100%
CT: 33%
TIE: -50%
PR spec. 10-15%

Anyone else care to take a guess?


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54688.6 in reply to 54688.5
Date: 10/22/2008 7:14:53 PM
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I would use the technique that i just said in our div II.1 forum which is kinda similar (eth 4 rule, haha)

I wouldnt say that the PR spec will even make 10% difference. I'd hazard a guess at 5% at the very most. I really think it would only make the difference in the closest of games.

This Post:
54688.7 in reply to 54688.5
Date: 10/23/2008 4:44:12 AM
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i would say i you play away with higher effort, the stronger team are favorit ...

Thats why i say 100% for ct and -100% for tie.

I don't have an PR with speciality and i don't have experience with it so i don't make a guess