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rebound/ steal bug?

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Date: 11/16/2008 5:10:10 AM
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I´ve seen in both of my playoff matches (8358545) (8358546), that my opponent got tons of steals, and i had tons of turnovers.
That mostly happened in the way, that i got a rebound (my team obviously has the better rebound skills) and in the same second the opponent stole the ball. Never seen that before in matches, so i am wondering if that is a bug or if the match engine has changed.
It leads to ridiculous stats and is really no fun to watch. What am i training rebounds for? In normal life, those "steals" would be called "lose ball foul".
Strange thing is that i haven´t seen that before.

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57949.2 in reply to 57949.1
Date: 11/16/2008 5:24:32 AM
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your opponent played 'full court press' in both games. the rebound followed by the quick steal happens when facing that defensive tactic. i dont think this is a bug.

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57949.3 in reply to 57949.2
Date: 11/16/2008 6:15:56 AM
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I understand that with pressing you force more turnovers. But is it normal to have those steals directly after the opposing team got the rebound? Never seen that before... but you might be right, that i just haven´t seen that because pressing is only rarely used...
the strange for me is that during the season match against that team (6376931) it hasn´t occured...

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57949.4 in reply to 57949.1
Date: 11/16/2008 1:31:08 PM
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No sorry, but that is not realistic. (8358547)

AN example that just occured: 8:23 to go in the second quarter. My SF Fan Wentong gets the defensive rebound, and at the same second, my C Uygar Cankilic has a TO. That´s just not fun to watch. Pressing may increase the steals for the team, but not in that unrealistic way...

Not that you understand me wrong. I don´t mind having a disadvantage because of the tactics of my opponent. I just think the engine is working totally wrong and should be changed in a more realistic way.

Last edited by Thunder Dan at 11/16/2008 1:38:45 PM

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57949.5 in reply to 57949.4
Date: 11/16/2008 2:03:55 PM
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Agreed. That's kind of silly.