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Help - English > player potential bug/errors??

player potential bug/errors?? (thread closed)

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Date: 11/29/2008 10:11:48 AM
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I am lost. I remember when they put in player potential and all players that were already around would get all star potential and an * shows that they are old style players.

At the moment I am looking for English players and I come across several older players that in no way were drafted after the new system started. I can tell this due to their age. How come these players have different player potentials than all star? Is this a bug, or am I missing something? I am posting this here, instead off the bug forum cause I am not sure I miss something vital here.

This player is an example. He is 29 and a hall of famer potential??? The team I just had a look at, has many off these older players with different than all star potential??

Small Forward Jae Southcott (6213148)
Weekly salary: $ 5 099
DMI: 13700
Age: 29
Height: 6'5" / 196 cm
Potential: hall of famer
Game Shape: respectable

Last edited by Astragoth at 11/29/2008 10:17:24 AM

From: Astragoth

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61984.3 in reply to 61984.2
Date: 11/29/2008 10:30:00 AM
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yeah... didn't think off that... He must have been a new player... thanks for bringing me back to my senses :)