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Suggestions > More info about injuries

More info about injuries

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Date: 11/30/2008 6:01:28 AM
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It would be fun to get more information about injuries. At present the only info you get is the number of weeks until your player gets cured. I like to see some more variation.
My suggestion is to implement some phrases like:

player x is brought to the hospital for further examination. He 'll be injured approx 4 weeks after first diagnose.

Player x has to stay in hospital for some days to be monitored after his fall. He'll be back in the team within 3 weeks.

Player x left the hospital and works on his recovery with the fysiotherapist. He might be ready to play within 2 weeks.

Player x received green light to start with a running practice. He can join the group within 1 week.

Player x may start training again and is ready to play next game.

Multiple sentences for each event possible, maybe even name the type of injury.

There can be also some events like, "The fysiotherapist thinks his job will be done two days earlier/later then planned."

Climbing the BB-mountain. Destination: the top.
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62120.2 in reply to 62120.1
Date: 11/30/2008 10:30:45 AM
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I support your idea

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62120.3 in reply to 62120.2
Date: 11/30/2008 11:32:15 PM
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but the thing is we have to classify the injury into a series of complications

an example is what falls to how many weeks and i guess it would be nice also for a laugh is how it was treated . . .

an example is a liquid found on the knees was resorted to theraphy instead of surgery :D

From: CrazyEye

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62120.4 in reply to 62120.3
Date: 12/1/2008 12:26:25 AM
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a lot information, for a game report :)

Could be funny, but i don't need it really there are better suggestion in my eyes where the BB should work on.

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62120.5 in reply to 62120.3
Date: 12/1/2008 10:09:11 AM
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Yes, it´s difficult, but i think injure info should change

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62120.6 in reply to 62120.5
Date: 12/1/2008 10:30:44 AM
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If you`ll search all over forum you`ll really find this idea couple of times mentioned before. It was even fully developed, but it`s not here.

I just remember the time then I was way more active (LTU league hasn`t been so huge)

ZyZla - ZyZlūnas ZyZlavotas ~c(=
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62120.7 in reply to 62120.5
Date: 12/1/2008 7:30:53 PM
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i think the matter here is, the more info the bb gives you themore the reason for some of us to contest or even argue.

instead of making a laugh of how stupid probably a level 1 doctor is, you might see a thread even making a fuzz how come an sligh or normal injury is treated that way or almost all doctors know this should be that procedure.

i think furthermore, i dont know how it would translate if your player suffered a acl or mcl or even dislocated shoulder or so, i dont think it would be equal to just weeks.

they already adjusted the injury to be only couple of weeks instead of a possible whole season. this is not the nba since we have relelgation matches.