i have this player......
Honorato Ducoing (3097014)
Sueldo semanal: $ 32 270
DMI: 217200
Edad: 21
Altura: 7'1" / 216 cm
Potencial: Allstar *
Forma: fuerte
Tiro: fuerte Alcance de tiro: horrible
Def. exterior: pésimo Manejo: pésimo
Penetración: pésimo Pases: ridículo
Tiro interior: destacado Def. interior: destacado
Rebotes: tremendo Tapones: excelente
Resistencia: regular Tiros libres: ridículo
Experiencia: ridículo
i bought him 1 level more in defe3nce and tapones.... and 2 days later i saw this skill down....
i bought him 2,3 milion for these skills.... its not fair 2 days later to see these skilldowns...
i just want him to have the same skills than the skills i bought him..
do i ask so many things????