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Suggestions > Team History and records.

Team History and records.

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From: Kukoc
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Date: 12/30/2008 5:34:24 AM
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When a new manager takes over a team can team history and records be cleaned somehow?
Strange names in Hall of Fame selection.
I don't want some retired Projectiles Kõrveküla players holding my rebounding, passing, blocks records.
I know it is hard to clear something like this up as everything is linked in the database, but I hope you will try to find a solution to this somehow.
Every manager wants to start his team from a clean slate.

From: Iordanou

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66330.2 in reply to 66330.1
Date: 12/30/2008 7:04:44 AM
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Well your team were here before, but you are getting basic players, therefore would be hard for you to reach so big record for a long long time. I cannot imagine if I would get ex-1st league team.