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BB Cyprus > [NAT] Puerto Rico - Cyprus (Scrimmage Match)

[NAT] Puerto Rico - Cyprus (Scrimmage Match)

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Date: 1/19/2009 8:12:11 PM
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Outside Players:

N°: 8
Medium Wage: 8.559 $
Medium Game Shape: 8.0
Medium Age: 22.9
Best Player: Víctor Fernández (4184337) he plays 34', 0.408 from the field, 0.336 from 3 points, 0.596 from charity line, 3.1 rebounds, 0.6 assistances, -0.3 lost/steal, 22.2 per night and 7.5 as medium evaluation. He's got a good shape, but I think he could be a huge level of OD (Outside Defense) and Driving that rise the wage of the player, but doesn't scare me too much.

Small Forwards:

N°: 2
Medium Wage: 11.450 $
Medium Game Shape: 8.0
Medium Age: 23.0
Best Player: David Ansa (4649115) he plays 32', 0.407 from the field, 0.296 from 3 points, 0.437 from charity line, 5.2 rebounds, 1.9 assistances, +1.2 lost/steal, 19.6 per night and 10.0 as medium evaluation. He's only Respectable (7) as game shape and this could influence his match.

Inside Players:

N°: 7
Medium Wage: 11.658 $
Medium Game Shape: 7.3
Medium Age: 23.9
Best Player: Mauro Palafox Castro (4649116) he plays 32', 0.565 from the field, 0.444 from 3 points, 0.567 from charity line, 15.3 rebounds, 0.0 assistances, -0.7 lost/steal, 21.2 per night and 10.5 as medium evaluation. He has absolutely a horrible Passing Level (no assists during this season!).


NickName: carile
Nationality: Puertorican
Career: It's his 4th seasons on BB. Last year finished at 3rd position. He's now 1st on Ovest Conference with a score of 0.938 (15-1). He won election with 4 votes (50%). He has ended 0-5 (0.000), like us, his american's pool (B) with a score of 401-546.
Team Way to play:
Push the Ball (9)
Motion (2)
Run & Gun (2)
Look Inside (3)

Man to man (5)
2-3 (6)
1-3-1 (1)
3-2 (3)
Full Court Press (1)

National Way to play:
Motion (1)
Low Post (1)
Push the Ball (1)
Look Inside (1)
Run & Gun (1)

2-3 (1)
Full Court Press (1)
Man to man (2)
3-2 (1)

...on PUERTO RICO National BB-Forum...:
Coros, a "portoriqueno" user is very angry with "his" coach:
I asked for more, no correction, ANY communication as to why we're doing nothing but losing games. You have not won a single game since taking over and there's no information as to your long term strategy. Please do not put the responsibility of coming up with a strategy on any of us -- YOU are the NT Manager.

Jirí Stuchlík (4649118) plays in III.Italy.

Steve Makis

Cyprus NT Manager

This Post:
69340.2 in reply to 69340.1
Date: 1/19/2009 8:23:18 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
We won, again, against a team well ranked than us (Cyprus = 76, Puerto Rico = 74).

We won by 27 (125-98) and I have made right tactical choice... I only could play man to man instead of 3-2 zone defense, but it was a choice dictated by good pronesness about inside dfense and I were right because we made mediocre (++).

We won thanks to V. Vlahos that I choose as MVP with 43' on the court, 26 points (12-16!), 18 rebounds, 3 assistances and 9,5 as evaluation!

Any comments?

I'm sorry for the delay about Opponent's Datasheet, but I was out of my town with my team and I cannot access to an internet point, because I were working.

Steve Makis

Cyprus NT Manager

This Post:
69340.3 in reply to 69340.2
Date: 1/20/2009 3:58:44 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Good job, excellent preparation.

This Post:
69340.4 in reply to 69340.3
Date: 1/20/2009 7:02:18 AM
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Thanks Pallu, I'll try to do my best... sometimes I'm right :-)

This Post:
69340.5 in reply to 69340.4
Date: 1/20/2009 7:49:35 AM
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Good Job! 2 match of winning streak, c'mon Cyprus!

This Post:
69340.6 in reply to 69340.5
Date: 1/20/2009 2:23:51 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
why don't you try the "piangina strategy" for the next match??XD
Anyway great job!!
You're in a 2-games winning streak with a young team and at the same time you're increasing the activity on this island.