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BB Cyprus > [NAT] Cyprus NT - Season 8

[NAT] Cyprus NT - Season 8

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Date: 2/8/2009 10:03:21 AM
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Here we go with the players recruitable for next season by me as Senior NT Manager for World Cup Torunament. I tell you name names involved, so you can improve this players looking for the recruitment I will do at the beginning of next season. I will initially recruit 12 players and I will add players during the tournament, I think until 16, if we are in the case of qualifying (I think it's impossibile, but we could try, why not!).
I hope to receive by all users involved the weekly updating that sometimes doesn't happen. I have to take care of enthusiasm this year and I could not recruit and dismiss player every week. I hope on you and your greatest cooperation :-)
So let's stop words and check this list:


S. Akoulis -> Trulex -> Van Helsing - Bosna i Hercegovina
He's excellent on nothing, but he's good for everything. A really complete point guard that can shoot, pass or dribble. He needs more OD and JS and I hope Van Helsing will do a good work about that.

S. Lithopoulos -> les rockets de pékin -> T - MAC - France
I don't go crazy for him, but he has good skills. He needs OD and JS as Akoulis, but he starts from a lower point then him. I hope that T-MAC will answer to my BB-Mails on french or english or what he wants, it doesn't care, but if he don't update the player he will be erased even he's good

T. Gkounis -> BC teammate -> moti123 - Cyprus
He starts from a low position as JS, but he's like and older Point Guard that passes like always the ball. It's funny because he's 25 y.o. but he's improved a lot this year. Congratulation to his manager about that.

L. Dramalis -> Wing On 2006 -> Wing On - Nederland
He's a Point Guard for sure as skills, but he's 203. He could be a Shooting Guard or a Small Forward too and he will be important for our team. Only a request for the manager: please give to him other 2-3 level of JS or IS, please! :-)


Y. Kotsiras -> 28ers -> Zacharias - Sverige
Thanks to Zacharias that introduce to me this player! Excellent shooter. He hasn't interesting secondary skills, but it's good as well. I hope on increasing OD (2 levels), FT (2 levels), PS (1 level), JS (how many levels coach desire :-) )

L. Flokas -> C.B. Fresitas -> bluefresika - España
Incredible work of bluefresika on Flokas which is a ductile and versatile player. He could play as SG or SF, but he needs OD and ID. A little step-up on JS is not wasted.

M. Politakis -> Furious Hornets Srch -> joskan - Česká Rep.
Good skills for a SG... he has to improve many levels as JS, but I think that even he will be 23 next year, he could increase his skill thanks to a greatest potential and a good and interested manager.

S. Karsiotis -> T.P. Team -> MikyTassos - Cyprus
It's the same thing of Politakis... incredible potential. He has weak skills as DR and PS, that he needs, at least, just a little bit. He's got interesting RB and IS. I hope that he will increase a lot this season again.

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72088.2 in reply to 72088.1
Date: 2/8/2009 11:12:05 AM
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H. Gavalas -> Sportivo Río Tercero -> francosanta - Argentina
He's a player I like so much! He's both defence and I hope he still grow up, because a SF needs both strong defence. It's a perfect and complete SF, but after one level on both defence he needs a specialization on JS or IS.

A. Tsoutsikas -> D0minaT0R -> D0minaT0R - Rossiya
He's basically a Power Forward, but he's like a Kourmentalas a player who could play even as SF or PF. I could change my idea of playing considering the game shape of the way of playing of the other team. I hope he could still improve, because this year I don't see too many pop-ups. He could have reached his potential?

V. Kourmentalas -> Marinas Big Team -> marinaki - Cyprus
He's a PF for sure... he has great skill and a good height, but I personally love him as SF too... I've seen different pop-ups by him and I hope even he's 24 y.o. to see some pop-ups next season.

N. Aravositakis -> Ekleptysmenoi -> Ekleptysmenos - Cyprus
Well... I've many doubts about him, because I don't know so well his manager that plays since 1 month, but he's got a great potential and incredible skills, obviously a player who needs training on every kind of skills (I hope and think he's trained as G, so I could have a substitute of Gavalas), but I've seen his manager interested on BB and quite present.


V. Vlahos -> Filipinki -> Filipinki - Polska
Best rebounder of Cyprus, but he's a horrible defender... so I hope that his ID level will increase of 1 or better 2 levels during next season. He's important because he balances our team and he's always a positive player.

A. Ritsos -> Marinas Big Team -> marinaki - Cyprus
Good shooter from the paint, interesting shooter from outside. I think that he's a well balanced Power Forward even he's terrifying as passing :-) I hope on a balanced growth during next season, starting from RB.

Y. Liapis -> Alifantes -> elgar - España
elgar is a very good manager, that engage on the growth of Cyprus' Players. He deserves a reward, because even if Liapis is not the BEST PF we have in Cyprus, he's done many improvements during this year and he's became an important player with good skills and evaluation.

E. Papazachos -> The Virgins -> Katwmilitis - Cyprus
Excellent shooter from the paint he's quiet young and quiet a surprise. He should increase RB and ID during next season if he wanna play sometimes and he needs a strong or prominent game shape to play.


V.Genaridis -> Çilingir Çerçi -> Tiryaki - Cyprus
Tiryaki, my friend... what damned you're training? I can't see any pop-ups during this year by Genaridis and even he's the better C (except for Kaikas) I need to know if you wanna train him!!! It's important he still increases! He could also play as PF thanks to a great ability on PS and OD.

K. Tsoutsounelos -> Anaisthitoi -> atimos - Cyprus
I love him as player, I hate his stamina and FT and I cannot understand why atimos is so hostile vs me. I'VE NEVER RECEIVED AN UPDATE, NEVER! He's a good center even if he's to increase IS and RB of 1 or 2 levels, and ST and FT for sure!

T. Mpoulougouris -> Team Britania -> bords macko - Philippines
He's resurrected thanks to bords macko. He was out of possible recruitment, but he's give 2 pop-ups on short time and a good game shape and guarantees me a good kind of training. Please some pop-ups on IS and ID.

Y. Meletiou -> The Virgins -> Katwmilitis - Cyprus
2nd player of The Virgins. He's complete, he could play PF too. He's well balanced... could be... too much. I hope he will increase on IS and ID.

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72088.3 in reply to 72088.2
Date: 2/8/2009 12:26:42 PM
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I write other two players under control that during WC tournament will be checked and even recruited if they grow up:


R. Tsirelas -> Polemidia Vipers -> Basketball Killer - Cyprus
D. Solomos -> T.P. Team -> MikyTassos - Cyprus


D. Mpourdas -> EMU -> EMU - Cyprus
L. Fantridis -> Gold Towers -> TassosC - Cyprus


Y. Afroudakis -> nikolas nba -> pirkolas - Cyprus
P. Tsiolis -> Cruellords -> CruelLord - Cyprus


D. Gaganitis -> Anaisthitoi -> atimos - Cyprus
S. Spetsarias -> utah & jazzz -> tursun - Cyprus


T. Valsamidis -> Cruellords -> CruelLord - Cyprus
A. Fanos -> megalonisos -> Jason1983 - Cyprus