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Suggestions > Bigger BB-mail inbox

Bigger BB-mail inbox

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From: Avirto
This Post:
Date: 2/19/2009 7:36:59 PM
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Is there a chance that our BBmails can contain more that 50 messages? I know this can be hard because there are so many users but sometimes I would like to get back to a message from the past and I can't because it's probably deleted.

From: Avirto

To: RiP
This Post:
73869.3 in reply to 73869.2
Date: 2/21/2009 5:04:04 PM
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That's too bad, so maybe messages could be send on given e-mail? or this would also be a difficulty? Because I don't know how does it work so I don't know is this could slower BB?

Last edited by Avirto at 2/21/2009 5:05:08 PM

This Post:
73869.4 in reply to 73869.3
Date: 2/21/2009 5:57:25 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Just an idea, but if they gave you a 'delete' option on the 50 last, it would allow you to save the ones you want by making room for them. Never past 50, but not only the last 50 but the 50 you want.