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draft info on player page

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Date: 3/29/2009 4:18:09 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
while looking at a player I noticed the follwing: (sorry for the language, but I bolded the important info and translated it to point out what I want to report)

$ 4 914
DMI: 13200
Leeftijd: 18 (= Age)
Lengte: 6'2" / 188 cm
Potentieel: Eeuwige Allstar
Vorm: gemiddeld

Jump Shot: zwak Shotbereik: matig
Perimeter Verd.: matig Balbehandeling: sterk
Drijven: redelijk Passen: redelijk
Inside Scoren: erbarmelijk Inside Verd.: erbarmelijk
Rebounden: redelijk Blokken: redelijk
Conditie: gemiddeld Vrijworpen: sterk

Ervaring : erbarmelijk

Quint zegt: "Potential U21 Belgium"

Quint De Ceulaer was keuze nummer 10 van seizoen 7, gedraft door The Quantum leap. (=Quint De Ceulaer was draftee number 10 in season 7 by The Quantum Leap

Since it is season 8 now, how can a player drafted in season 7 only be 18 years old now??

I guess this is a bug in the draft-info , right?

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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83517.2 in reply to 83517.1
Date: 3/29/2009 5:53:36 PM
Le Cotiche
Overall Posts Rated:
it has always worked this way

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83517.3 in reply to 83517.1
Date: 3/29/2009 7:33:29 PM
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As the draft happens between seasons, I guess you could make an argument to call the last one the season 7 or the season 8 draft. As long as the convention is used consistently, I don't think I'd call this a bug.

You could make a suggestion it be changed. I don't really find either way more natural.

Edit: Keep in the mind the Draft Results are linked from the standings pages. So what is currently called the Season 7 Draft is linked from the Season 7 standings page. If it was called the Season 8 Draft, that would have to move to be consistent, IMO.

Last edited by Mod-oeuftete at 3/29/2009 7:35:15 PM

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83517.5 in reply to 83517.4
Date: 3/31/2009 11:47:07 AM
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aha. I just misinterpreted it then. Never realised this, always thought it was at season start, probably because it happens during that hectic day with new season scedules and stuff...

well, this is for the best then, it would be nice all 'bugs' would be fixed that easely. ;)

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