Quisquo HD: 7 + 1, 12 + 1, 3 + 2 no pop (I suggest he had some training after his second pop, since he needed 12 + 1 instead of 7 +1).
Quisquo DR: 5 + 1, 9 + 1, 3 + 2 no pop (some as above).
Pekovic HD: 7 (?) + 1, 4 + 1 (so the training in HD is more than AT LEAST 3 secondary training), 9 + 2, 3 + 1 no pop (some as above, he SURELY was HIGH in HD last pop 'cause he popped in 4+1, than in 9+2!!!).
Pekovic DR: 8 (?) + 2, 11 + 0 (!!!), 4 + 3 no pop! (this is AMAZING, we know from above that the trining is AT LEAST 3 secondary, he popped in 11+0, 4+3 without pops is impossible!).
Spagnolo HD: 6 (?) + 0, 2 + 2, 12 + 1 (so 1 full training is similar to 9 secondary), 3 + 2 no pop (this is the case because in the first post I said I expected only 4 sure 100% and not 6, anyway...).
Spagnolo DR: 6 + 2, 12 + 0, 3 + 3 no pop (same as above for Spagnolo, firstly because he had only 27 minutes of training).
so I expected 2 pops for Quisquo and for Pekovic, and for Spagnolo from 0 to 2, with 0 low chance :(