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Few training questions.

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From: swigi
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Date: 4/27/2009 2:32:24 PM
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I know you guys are probably tired of the same old routine everyday, but give us new guys a break :*

Since I haven't find anything 100% useful for 45 minutes, I thought I should make a thread.

I have some 18 year old shooting guards on my roster, and so I decided to train my SG's. Here are my questions:

1. Is it better to train just 1 or 2 skills (let's say JS and JR) or should I try to balance the players skills, so that JS,JR,OUTD,DRIVE would have as equa as possiblel rantings?

2. What are the best skills to train my SG's and for how long?

3. Should I just focus on my SG's or buy a couple of young PGs and train my backcourt all at once?

Thank you very much for any answers and links :P

From: CrazyEye

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87560.2 in reply to 87560.1
Date: 4/27/2009 3:02:21 PM
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1. Is it better to train just 1 or 2 skills (let's say JS and JR) or should I try to balance the players skills, so that JS,JR,OUTD,DRIVE would have as equa as possiblel rantings?

first you should train all, but to take a bit of focus wasn't bad ;) A pg should have a bit better Passing, and Sg better shooting etc. But very balanced players also work on both positions, but maybe a little bit worse(but maybe it is the best compromise for 2 position training where pretty similiar players play at SG/PG, and salary)

2. What are the best skills to train my SG's and for how long?

thats depend on how they look, and how good they should be in the end. The Best skills should be JS and OD, followed from Jumprange(with single pos training you could make that more often).

3. Should I just focus on my SG's or buy a couple of young PGs and train my backcourt all at once?

both way works :) But if you made single pos training don't forget that the sg have to play on PG often. I made a long time single position training and don't regret it, but 2 pos training is more common.

From: inimene

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87560.3 in reply to 87560.2
Date: 4/28/2009 9:35:07 AM
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To question one I would mention that more balanced skills will decrease Your players salary.

From: inimene

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87560.4 in reply to 87560.2
Date: 4/28/2009 9:35:08 AM
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To question one I would mention that more balanced skills will decrease Your players salary.

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87560.5 in reply to 87560.1
Date: 4/28/2009 10:50:27 AM
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Crazy covered all three questions pretty well so I'll limit my post to my perspective on number 3.

When I first got into BB I did single position training and now I'm doing more of a mixture of both and for teams just getting started I have to recommend single position training. The pops on it are going to be faster (obviously) and you can effectively lean on a good player in the lower divisions with success.

You might consider setting up a training scheme where you train 3-4 weeks on a single positions skill then to improve the player more imploy a team training scheme for a few weeks to pick up some pops in other skills that could be useful to your entire backcourt. For example you could train jump shot (outside shooting) for shooting guard to maximize your SGs shooting ability then switch to pressure for a few weeks and train both your PG and SG. Just a thought...

From: swigi
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87560.6 in reply to 87560.5
Date: 4/28/2009 2:21:55 PM
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Ok. Thanks for the answers guys!

If I have any other questions i'll post them here.


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87560.7 in reply to 87560.5
Date: 4/28/2009 7:42:34 PM
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So, if I'm understanding correctly, it only trains in the particular type of training that you choose, for the position(s) you choose? That strikes me as rather unrealistic. I mean, would any real team only train 1-3 positions in 1-3 skills in a week and ignore everything else? Could someone please clarify this for me?

From: kkayacan

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87560.8 in reply to 87560.7
Date: 4/29/2009 3:25:21 AM
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About being realistic, just think that the team trains all skills to maintain, but focuses on skills you choose to improve.