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Training system

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Date: 12/14/2007 1:34:21 AM
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Just recently joined and have been reading the rules and newbie forum posts. Haven't fully understood training yet and need a breakdown of it and advice.

I'm currently training stamina as I thought it would be a good place to start especially while I'm deciding what to train long term. It seems its not as simple as Hattrick so you must need to train multiple attributes to succeed.

Can someone please explain the advantages/disadvantages of the different types of training? What is a long-term plan, what is a short-term plan? What will gain maximum rewards on transfer market? etc etc. If this info can be found elsewhere please direct me appropriately.


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9977.2 in reply to 9977.1
Date: 12/14/2007 1:41:08 AM
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I think the answer to most of your questions is that no one knows yet. Here's a good thread discussing training types and speed: (381.1). Keep in mind, training speed for younger players is about to be increased. Read the news item on the front page concerning upcoming changes for that.

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9977.4 in reply to 9977.3
Date: 12/14/2007 2:10:44 AM
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Oh yeah. I think I knew that. My bad.