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Suggestions > Match Viewer Suggestions

Match Viewer Suggestions (thread closed)

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From: Huzzel
This Post:
10098.10 in reply to 10098.9
Date: 01/14/2008 14:38:08
Overall Posts Rated:
if a player commits a foul, add the total fouls this player committed to the message.

Foul called on Sum Guy (3 Fouls)

instead of

Foul called on Sum Guy

second suggestion:

a possibility to see only the shooting attempts of one player not only from the whole team. its really annoying to click on each shoot to figure which players makes/misses what kind of shots

third suggestiong:
add the numbers up. During a game I always like to know who has an rebounding advantage and so on. its a little annoying to always add those numbers to figure out

From: CitB
This Post:
10098.12 in reply to 10098.11
Date: 01/14/2008 18:18:52
Overall Posts Rated:
another suggestion i dont know how hard it is to implement, multiple games would be nice, matches from friends and leaguemates on just one site.

From: Warrior
This Post:
10098.13 in reply to 10098.12
Date: 01/19/2008 19:58:05
Overall Posts Rated:
right now it's not really possible to know when some player blocking another player .. i think that you need think to add some lines on the Match Viewer that we can know when player blocks(like how its written when some player stolen ball) .. its very important for exmpale if the block is on the last seconds on a adjacent game , to know who is really winner on your game .. and more things like that .. it's really required .. it's can be beautiful with some red colour on the match viewer ..

and sorry about the english ;)

more thing , why in the standings the winners on the playoff tree are incorrect ?

From: Pieriku

This Post:
10098.15 in reply to 10098.11
Date: 02/09/2008 15:51:03
Olympus Team
Overall Posts Rated:
Maybe allow to customize the playground with the colors of the team (available at the same time than customization of the jerseys).

This Post:
10098.16 in reply to 10098.15
Date: 02/09/2008 16:17:39
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That is planned for the future.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
10098.17 in reply to 10098.16
Date: 02/13/2008 08:44:41
Overall Posts Rated:
I don't know if it has been mentioned but i thought about pausing the mach viewer while watching it as a replay, i.e. a day after the match took place. Sometimes i want to make some notes abt what's going on and i just cannot keep pace with the viewer ;D

I hope u can understand wthat i mean and sorry for my English.
Good luck!!!

This Post:
10098.18 in reply to 10098.17
Date: 02/18/2008 05:58:50
Overall Posts Rated:
Could we have a message when a player gets fouled out instead of "Player X gets substituted for Player Y" Could we have like "Player X gets fouled out and replaced by Player Y" So we can keep track of things better?

EDIT: Just had another idea, how about including airballs when players who shouldn't be shooting 3's do and mis spectacularly, for example "Player X shoots an airball from outside the arc" just a little more variation to a missed shot essentially!

Last edited by 21stcenturykid at 02/18/2008 11:39:14

This Post:
10098.19 in reply to 10098.18
Date: 02/23/2008 14:14:35
Overall Posts Rated:
It probably has been suggested before, but I would really enjoy the possible to play the game back when it's still live. I now logged on and saw my team just finished the 2nd quarter, and I saw I have two injured players already.
I want to know when and why they are injured, but it seems I can only rewind when the game's finished.

This Post:
10098.20 in reply to 10098.19
Date: 02/26/2008 21:35:23
Overall Posts Rated:
When a timeout is called, can a clock come up (either the shot clock or the game clock) to count down the time left on the timeout? Sometimes I'm switching windows/tabs, I come back to see a 30/60 second timeout's been called and I've got no idea how long is left on it.
